
Thursday, March 18, 2021

PA Maths

This week in Maths we learnt mapping skills and how to plot coordinates.

 You are safe at home at Kaiapoi Pa but have heard news of your kinsmen in distress
you must get there as soon as possible to rescue those who are under threat and help fight against Te Rauparaha’s advancing war party. Below is my map.

Below is my learning task from this week.
Can you find any other way to get from Kaiapoi Pa to Onawe Pa??

Monday, March 8, 2021

Writing - tuna (Eels)

 Over the last couple of weeks we have been researching information about Tuna (eels). We have been learning to write a report using the information we have found.

Our challenges were to include a complex sentence and to use a hyphen followed by a list.

Long fin eels (tuna) are only found in New Zealand.  long fin eels come in different shapes and sizes.  And the long fin eels have got lots of bumps.

They are more than a metre long and sometimes bigger than your arm or leg. The eels hides in the slimy scaly slippery shadows - concealed lurking and out of sight .Slithering around in the ghouly shady - shallows the eels

How do you think I did and how can I improve?